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Server Basic Information

Naxxramas (PvP)

1x Rates - Xp, Proffesions, Gold, drops, everything (not during alpha/beta)

Progressive released raids in sync with blizzards patch days

PvP System implemented early with older pvp gear & NO battlegrounds


Raids at release?

Molten Core and Onyxia.



There will be a rank system at launch. No battlegrounds, and only the oldest pvp gear available.


How long will the alpha stage take?

As long as it takes to get things right. (tl;dr: 1 month or so) The "closed" alpha stage is currently in progress. That is the very begining of the servers life. This is when alot of the technical changes are happening that players wont care for or really understand. Soon we will enter a more open alpha state where a few random players who seem intrested will recieve account names and passwords in their email for the server. They will be able to logon and start testing! Once we feel the server is ready to handle more of a load of players, and the website is ready... Closed beta will begin.


So how long are the beta stages...?

Again, as long as it takes to get things right. Classicwow is here to stay. So our beta stages are going to be live for quite some time. We will not release a permenant "live" server until we have fixed almost every bug. So that means settle in and start playing! Every stage we release will have different key points in which we are looking to test, correct and retest. We anticipate closed beta to start around October, this will be an open registration with approval only. Meaning everyone will be able to make an account on the website and forums. However you will have to fill out a short application to play on the server. Open beta will basicly be a live server.


Do we keep our characters from the alpha and beta phases?

Yes! You do! Our alpha and beta stages of the server are going to take some time. So we have decided to let players keep their old alpha and beta characters when the live server goes up. Don't think this will give you a head start on everyone else though. Alpha and Beta characters will not be released on the live server until about 1-3 months after the actual release. You will not have priority on names or get to keep raid level gear. But we figure if your helping us, why not return the favor by leting you atleast keep your characters.





Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have questions about the server? If so I would highly recommend reading this section, as almost anything you need or want to know will be posted here. Questions will be added when they are asked often. Players will often be redirected here in most cases as these questions will have the more in-depth answers.

There is no such thing as a stupid question.

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